Security State Bank proudly participated in the 2019 Community Impact Month. The Minnesota Bankers Association created Community Impact Month as an opportunity for banks to highlight the many volunteer opportunities available to help build stronger local communities.
Listed below are some of the events that Security State Bank employees and families participated in.
Security State Bank employees packed 880 weekend meal kits for local children to support United Way of Northeastern Minnesota's Buddy Backpack program.Security State Bank employees partnered with Cobb Cook to participate in our annual Grocery Grab. It was a fun time and we donated over 249 lbs of food to the Salvation Army!Security State Bank employees and their families volunteering for Adopt-A-Highway cleanup!Security State Bank partnered with Taco John's of Hibbing to serve the community a free taco bar lunch.Security State Bank partnered with McDonald's to "Pay It Forward" and show appreciation for our customers with free apple pies!
We would like to thank our employees, families, and partners in making a successful and fun Community Impact Month!